Checklisten und Vorlagen
1. Webinare
ERROR: Content Element with uid "7383" and type "gridelements_pi1" has no rendering definition!
ERROR: Content Element with uid "7381" and type "gridelements_pi1" has no rendering definition!
2. Tool-Auswahl
ERROR: Content Element with uid "7379" and type "gridelements_pi1" has no rendering definition!
ERROR: Content Element with uid "7377" and type "gridelements_pi1" has no rendering definition!
ERROR: Content Element with uid "12909" and type "gridelements_pi1" has no rendering definition!
3. Lernvideoproduktion
ERROR: Content Element with uid "8856" and type "gridelements_pi1" has no rendering definition!
ERROR: Content Element with uid "11209" and type "gridelements_pi1" has no rendering definition!
ERROR: Content Element with uid "11211" and type "gridelements_pi1" has no rendering definition!
ERROR: Content Element with uid "11213" and type "gridelements_pi1" has no rendering definition!
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